This morning around 9 am, Lothrop School was notified of an external community threat. While the threat was not directly made against the school, upon consultation with law enforcement, we made a proactive decision to lock down Lothrop School while the police dealt with the threat. This meant the school was locked to all outsiders, students did not go to outdoor recess, but learning inside the school continued as normal. We also consulted with Brandon Police and did not see a need for a similar lockdown at our Brandon and Leicester schools, as the threat was local to Pittsford. However, the police were ready to assist if anything changed.
Shortly after 11, we learned the threat was resolved and we were able to lift the lockdown. We deeply appreciate the partnership with law enforcement and the patience of parents as we worked through our protocols. We also appreciate the work of our staff to maintain a calm learning environment while the school was locked, following protocols and allowing the police to do their work unimpeded. I am proud to be part of the RNESU school and town communities.
Thank you.
Jeanné Collins, Superintendent, RNESU
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